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Worship at Epiphany depends on the efforts of many parishioners whose support and dedication allow our services to run smoothly. All of our volunteers are leaders who facilitate the church’s prayer and worship.   We encourage you to consider being involved in any of the following worship support ministries.           


To express an interest in assisting in one of these areas, please contact the church office who will connect you to the right person:

be a
greeter, Host  or usher

Help us welcome people as they enter the church, so that both new visitors and returning attendees feel at home. This involves being attentive to those who need assistance, assisting in the seating of our worshippers, and during Holy Communion assisting people moving to and from the altar rail. It also entails helping visitors connect to their Cultural Ambassadors.

play music

If you play an instrument, you can accompany the choir or provide special music

sing in 
the choir

We always need new voices in our choir (see Worship).

read the 

Readers of the appointed Scripture passages are always needed.

lead the 
prayers of  the people

Confirmed parishioners lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People in the service.

assist our 

We always need those with technical expertise so that the audio/visual aspects of our worship service run smoothly.

arrange our   

Help us arrange the flowers for the church services.

serve on the altar guild

The Altar Guild sets the credence table for the celebration of the Holy Communion, and then cleans up after the service.

serve as          an acolyte

Assist the clergy throughout our worship service. Training is provided.

help us  polish the brass

These volunteers polish all the brass used in worship services - candlesticks, processional cross, etc.

be a chalice bearer

These confirmed parishioners administer the chalice during Holy Communion.

provide refreshments

Organise and serve refreshments after our church services in a spirit of hospitality.

join our finance &  counting teams

These teams are responsible for counting the offering after our worship services. Team members often discover a great opportunity for fellowship in this “behind the scenes” ministry.

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