spiritual care
We're here to help you through life’s challenges – large or small.
The ministry of caring is at the heart of our church's life.
We all experience seasons of challenge, difficulty, or sorrow. Whatever your circumstance, we are here to encourage and help. Our spiritual care ministries work to help connect our church family and community with the support and resources they need.
Sometimes you need a member of the clergy, sometimes you just need a friend or a listening and supportive ear. Sometimes you need both. Our spiritual care ministries recognise that the challenges we all face are sometimes best addressed through pastoral counselling, as we highly value the growth that can come from addressing the spiritual dimensions of life’s challenges. At the same time, many just be need to meet with someone over a coffee. We are committed to helping you identify the right assistance so you can continue to grow into the person God created you to be.

Clergy Care
Please feel free to call the church office to request a hospital or home visit by one of our priests – whether in advance or in a crisis situation.
Also, if you have identified a spiritual component to your challenges, we encourage that you seek pastoral guidance. Our priests are here to listen carefully, offer encouragement and direction when appropriate, provide spiritual insight and perspective on a given situation, make an assessment of what is needed, and make appropriate referrals to individuals who are certified and trained to respond to certain needs.
Church Office: tel: +974 4416 5726

Congregational Care
The Congregational Care Ministry is comprised of volunteers wishing to meet the needs of others in our church family – providing warmth and support both in and beyond our church services. With a church of our size, we rely on lay congregational care ministers who assist our clergy in making hospital visits, providing one-on-one comfort, prayer support, listening, befriending, encouragement and much more, to those in our congregation that are in need. It might also entail assisting when an emergency occurs that threatens an individual or family's ability to provide for basic needs, or to provide comfort for those grieving the loss of a loved one. In order to make sure that our church provides the special touch that our parishioners need when they need it, our congregational care ministers work to provide supportive care to any who desire it.
If you need help from a congregational care minister, or are interested in being a congregational care minister, please email our People's Warden, Christiana Nwandu at:
We believe in the importance and power of prayer and invite everyone to set aside time to pray for the Church, its leaders and ministries, as well as the wider community in which we live.
These are some ways we focus on prayer in the life of our church.

WhatsApp Prayer Group
The church has a WhatsApp prayer group to share special prayer requests with others. We encourage parishioners to sign up and share their specific prayer requests. We maintain an active prayer list that is prayed for by different groups throughout the week. To join the group or send a prayer request, email Shammi Michael: michael.shammi@gmail.com
Prayer for our Church
On the first Friday of every month, all are invited to pray for our church and its ministries in the Cry Room from 10:30 – 10:50am (before the 11am worship service). During this time, we pray for our church’s mission and ministries, as well as for the upcoming worship service.
An Invitation for Personal Prayer
On the first Friday of every month, from 12:30 -12:45pm, following the 11am worship service, anyone needing personal prayer is invited to come to the front of the sanctuary, near the piano, and someone will be there to pray with you.
Prayer in a Worship Service
If you have a special prayer request that you would like mentioned in the Prayers of the People during a worship service, please speak to a member of the clergy.