“When we sing, we pray twice.”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Music plays an important role at The Church of the Epiphany and a flexible and creative approach helps to meet the needs of a congregation from diverse cultures and church traditions. We express our deepest spirituality through music. Music gives our prayers wings, and helps to create a language that is more than words alone, which allows us to be more fully in communion with God.
We offer a wide range of musical expressions - from the great hymns within the Church tradition, to contemplative Taize chant and world music.
We are fortunate to have several choirs - English, Indian, Indonesian, African and Youth - who assist our worship. Additionally, various community choirs also hold their seasonal concerts at the church.
We are a group of volunteer singers in an easygoing and dedicated choir. We meet on the sanctuary balcony at 10am every Friday morning to practice the hymns, anthems and choruses that will be sung during the 11am English worship service. If you have past experience singing in a choir and can read music, we’d love to hear from you!
For further information, please email: info@anglicanchurchinqatar.org.
Adult Choir

Children in our Friday Church School from time to time sing in our worship services, as does an ensemble and music group from our EpiQ Youth Group.
For further information, please email: info@anglicanchurchinqatar.org
Children and Youth Choirs

International Choirs
We currently have Indonesian, African and Indian choirs or ensembles that sing for us throughout the year in our worship services.
To join any of these choirs, please email: info@anglicanchurchinqatar.org